Step One: Posting to YouTube
- Edit video (as needed)
- Create Thumbnail (or get it from Kenny)
- Login to YouTube, click “create” and “upload video”
- Select video file
- Title: “Sermon Title (Verse/Passage)”
- Description: leave blank or give temp text
- Upload Thumbnail
- Select Playlist
- Select “No, it’s not made for kids”
- Click “Next” to final screen
- Select “Unlisted”
- Look to right to get “Video link URL” and copy
- Go to and login
- Paste the URL into the mainbox
- Examine/evaluate content given by Taja
- Consider Titles
- Consider Description from Taja, but avoid cheesy-ness
- Get chapters from Taja
- Go back to YouTube video and insert data/description/chapter
- Change Visibility to “Public”
- Then go back to to click “Next Step” to get Reels
Step Two: Create “New Post” in Horizon City WordPress (not a “page”)
- Set Sermon Title in title bar
- Set URL to one of these:
- Set Category to “Sermons”
- Set Featured Image
- Layout: “Full Layout”
- Manage Page Elements: “Remove Page Title”
- Leave everything else default or blank
- Disable comment (last toggle switch)
- If it’s Kenny (or inhouse preacher), select author from drop down
- for Kenny use “Kenny Ortiz (kennethortiz)”
- If it’s a guest preacher, click “Guest”
- Populate Name
- Select “Author Image”
- Insert bio into “Author Description” box
- In body of post:
- Copy Youtube link of sermon (use “Share” button from YouTube)
- Paste at top of Post’s body section
- Below paste manuscript
- Format and edit manuscript as needed