
21 for 21

We’re in the midst of a prayer initiative: 21 minutes per day for 21 days. We meet on Zoom at 12noon (Eastern time) each day Monday–Saturday through the month of September.

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Please Pray for Us

Prayer Requests (Updated September 9):

1) Pray for more evangelism opportunities; ask God to give us opportunities to share the gospel with unbelievers in our community and ask Him to soften the hearts of those unbelievers we’ll talk to and interact with.

2) Pray for Launch Sunday details; we’re currently preparing for Launch Sunday, October 6th. We’ve got lots of details and logistics to take care of in the coming weeks. Please pray for God to give us wisdom and grace as we navigate and administrate the many details.

3) Pray for a music/worship leader; music is a big part of the Sunday worship gathering, but we currently do not have a leader. Please pray that God would bring us the right person (or persons) to help lead our music ministry.

4) Pray for our relationship with Sunridge Elementary School; we’re planning to rent Sunridge Elementary School for weekly services, and God has begun to give us favor with leaders there. Please pray that we’ll have a great relationship with the school and that God would give us opportunities to serve them.

5) Pray that God would bring us Elders; we are fiercely committed to a plurality of Elders, so please ask the Lord to bring us qualified men to share the pastoral load.

6) Pray for our finances; we’re in the process of raising a significant amount of money to accomplish what we believe the Lord has called us to do; please praise God with us for the funds that have already come in and please ask God to continue to provide. Also, please consider a financial gift.

7) Pray for our Launch Team; we’re in the process of recruiting a Launch Team. We’ve got 30 adults that have committed and several families still considering. Please pray for those that have already committed, that the Lord would give them grace in this season, and ask God to bring us more of the right people and pray for this team to be united. Also, if you’re local, please consider joining the Launch Team.

8) Pray for our recent social media campaigns; ask God to connect unchurched and de-churched peoples to the Horizon City community.