
Member Covenant

Having been brought by God’s grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we choose to covenant together as one local congregation, to be known hereafter as Horizon City Church, and we hereby solemnly and joyfully offer theses affirmations and commitments to one another:

We affirm that we have wholeheartedly placed faith in Jesus Christ.

We joyfully affirm the Member Affirmation of Faith and we promise that if, at any time, we begin to doubt any article therein we shall express those doubts to the church leaders, without delay, and humbly enter into good-faith dialogue with the church leaders so that, with God’s help, we can hopefully bring remedy to those doubts.

We commit to regularly participate in the life of the church by attending corporate worship gatherings, as often as possible, by frequently fellowshipping together, and by serving within a ministry of the church. We commit to be hospitable to those persons seeking to enter into our church family, helping our church to become an easy-entry community.

We commit to welcome and biblically test the teachings of the church leaders. We joyfully welcome the pastoral counsel and spiritual oversight of the church leaders.

We commit, with God’s help, to pursue holy living. We commit to watch over one another, including rebuking one another whenever necessary, with all gentleness. We commit to pray for one another regularly and to aid one another in sickness and distress, whenever possible.

We commit to maintain regular family and personal devotions and to educate our children in the Christian faith. We commit to winsomely seek the salvation of our unbelieving friends and family and we commit to help each other in such evangelistic efforts, whenever possible.

We commit to regularly, cheerfully, and sacrificially contribute financially to the support of the ministry of this church.

We commit that when we remove from this church we shall graciously notify the church leaders and, if possible, unite with a gospel-preaching church, without delay, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant.