
Horizon City Institute

Horizon City Church has partnered with Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS) to bring you the Horizon City Institute.

One of our Core Values is to “Make much of teaching.” This is a key component in our discipleship strategy.

The Institute contributes to this by offering high-quality theological education. Also, classes can potentially be credited toward a seminary degree at several different schools.

How will class offerings actually work?

All Institute courses utilize the Contextualized Development Leadership (CLD) curriculum. There will be two formats of CLD courses offered: Supplemental Format and Standard Format.

Supplemental Format:
Horizon City will offer Sunday school style classes to all Members. Some of those classes will utilize CLD curriculum. Church Members who participate in those specific CLD courses will have the option to engage with supplemental content and assignments. Any Member who completes the supplemental work will have the opportunity for their class participation and work to count toward seminary credit.

Courses offered in the Supplemental Format will meet once per week, for one hour, during the typical Sunday school hour and then the students will also meet for two separate one-day seminars throughout the semester, typically this will take place on a Saturday.

Standard Format:
These courses also utilize the MBTS CLD curriculum but will not be offered in conjunction with a Sunday school class at Horizon City.

The courses offered in Standard Format will meet together eight times for apx. 3.5 hours each time. These will take place every other week during the 15 weeks and will likely happen either Monday or Tuesday evenings. Occasionally, courses will include a one-day seminar during the semester that supplants a certain number of evening meetings.

How much time will each class take?

All Institute courses (in both formats) will include a total of 28–30 hours of classroom instruction time, spread out over 15 weeks.

How much homework will there be?

Student in all CLD classes should expect 3–5 hours of reading and writing each week for the full 15 weeks.

Can you tell me more about the CLD curriculum?

CLD courses have been crafted by the MBTS faculty to mirror the robust training offered on-campus. However, MBTS allows Horizon City leadership to tweak and contextualize the courses. This ensures that every participant receives rigorous theological education that perfectly caters to the needs of our community.

What courses will be offered?

Courses will be offered on a rotating basis. The courses that will likely be offered in the coming years:

  • Evangelism & Discipleship
  • Systematic Theology
  • Biblical Theology
  • Preaching
  • Ethics: Sanctity of Life
  • Ethics: Gender & Sexuality
  • Hermeneutics
  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Church History
  • World Religions
  • Worldviews
  • Public Theology
  • Apologetics
  • Christian Leadership
  • Missiology

What will the cost be for Institute classes?

There will be no cost for tuition charged to Horizon City Members. Students are responsible for the costs of their books.

How much credit can a student earn?

Tuition-Free Undergraduate Credit:
Institute students can earn up to 36 credits toward an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree at Spurgeon College (the undergraduate college for MBTS). Students must have earned at least a “B” in the class to transfer. Institute courses may also transfer to other schools.

Graduate Level Opportunities:
Students can earn credits equal to 1/3 of the degree program at MBTS. For example, the Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is a 45-credit program, therefore Horizon City Institute students can earn up to 15 credits toward the MTS or our Institute students may want to pursue the Master of Divinity (MDiv), which is a 81-credit program, therefore students can earn up to 30 credits toward the MDiv. Credit toward seminary degree is earned via Advanced Standing (see MBTS website for pertinent specific requirements).

What schools will give award credit for The Institute classes taken?

Midwestern Seminary is the only guaranteed school that will offer credit for CLD courses. However, several other schools are likely to do so (we know this because they’ve done it in the past). Awarding credit is always up to the policy and prerogative of the receiving institution, and it may vary on a case-by-case basis.

Here is a list of schools that have previously awarded credit for CLD courses:

  • Bethlehem College and Seminary
  • Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Grand Canyon University
  • Johnson University
  • Liberty University
  • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Reformation Bible College
  • Reformed Theological Seminary
  • Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Southeastern University
  • Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

What’s the most streamlined way to finish my seminary degree?

The most streamlined fashion would be too finish your seminary degree online with MBTS and utilized their Contextualized Practicum courses throughout your degree program.

Contextualized Practicum courses utilize MBTS standard curriculum, but can be significantly modified and contextualized for the student’s individual situation. Often the student’s ministry tasks within the church count as course assignments. These courses are also offered at a 50% discount rate for students that come through a church partnership (such as the partnership established between Horizon City and MBTS).

Then students can complete the rest of their degree through standard online education. Students taking courses via the Horizon City Institute and the church partnership practicum courses can complete their seminary degree with this sort of track:

  • 1/3 with Horizon City Institute (free of charge)
  • 1/3 with Contextualized Practicums (50% discount)
  • 1/3 with online MBTS classes (standard tuition rates)

How do I get started?

If you’re interested in learning more or applying for the Institute, text Pastor Kenny at 352-717-9585.